Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay on Leadership

Essay on Leadership When you think of a leadership what names come up to your mind? Can any person become a leader or should a person be a born one. To sort it all out we should begin with a definition of this notion. Leadership is a kind of influence, in which one person has an effect upon opinions of others and leads them to accomplish the necessary objective. Leadership is when one person captivates collaborators with one common goal. Thus, to become a good leader and to be successful you have to convince your followers that you are worth of being followed. If you have the desire, patience and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leadership qualities are developed through a constant process of self-study, education, training and experience, i.e. these qualities are acquired through regular exercising and study. Good leaders do not rest on their laurels but are constantly improving these leadership skills. I can suggest you the following steps if you want to become an effective leader: Challenge the subjects First, find out the subject that you believe needs your utmost attention. Inspire a shared vision Next, share your point of view with your followers. Enable others to act Give them tools and methods to solve the problem. Show how to act – A real leader should show their subordinates the way to treat problems and difficulties. Encourage the hearts Share the glory with your followers hearts, while keeping the pains within your own.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Firewall Security Policy Pathways Industries - 1367 Words

Firewall Security Policy Pathways Industries Security Policy Pathways Industries defines its Security Policies based on the risk assessment performed for the security of its assets, partners, and clients to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of data. Compliance to these security policies by Pathways Industries personnel is mandatory. Any breech of these policies could lead to disciplinary measures up to and including separation from the company. Pathways Industries will provide training on these policies on a regular basis to all employees to the extent of which is necessary to complete the individual tasks of the employee’s position. Policy Overview: This policy describes the purpose and scope of the firewall and IDPS policy. The firewall will be positioned between Pathways Industries internal network and the Internet. The firewall is an integral part in the security infrastructure of our company and covers both LAN and remote access through VPN configurations. This policy reflects initial configuration as well as options available for future scalability using Cisco Adaptive Security Appliances. The firewall provides protections against network intrusions by hosting intrusion prevention system modules to detect and prevent traffic that would disrupt the normal operations of the company. These security features will be configured to offer the greatest protection while allowing Pathways Industries personnel and their partners efficient access to theShow MoreRelatedFirewall Security Policy : Pathways Industries1367 Words   |  6 PagesFirewall Security Policy Pathways Industries Security Policy Pathways Industries defines its Security Policies based on the risk assessment performed for the security of its assets, partners, and clients to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of data. Compliance to these security policies by Pathways Industries personnel is mandatory. Any breech of these policies could lead to disciplinary measures up to and including separation from the company. Pathways Industries will provide trainingRead MoreEvaluating The Objectives Of An E Commerce Security Program1712 Words   |  7 PagesAssessing a companies’ risk is one of many steps in developing a security program. The other is establishing a security management structure and visibly giving security responsibilities. This project will focus on development and implementation techniques of e-commerce security to prevent and identify intrusions. This report will exhibit techniques on how to apply, adapt, and extend the already developed monitoring techniques in areas such as intrusion detection or verification. Beginning with aRead MoreEssay about Informatics In The Healthcare Industry1647 Words   |  7 Pagesalways searching to increase the quality of patient care and outcome. 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Based on the Fedora Security Guide (current version at, written by Johnray Fuller, Eric Christensen, Adam Ligas, and other Fedora Project contributors. T he textRead MoreElements of Communication5886 Words   |  24 Pagesother individuals or devices. The second element of communication is the destination, or receiver, of the message. The destination receives the message and interprets it. A third element, called a channel, consists of the media that provides the pathway over which the message can travel from source to destination. Consider, for example, the desire to communicate using words, pictures, and sounds. Each of these messages can be sent across a data or information network by first converting them intoRead MoreHow The Data Security Is Used Or Accessed By Unauthorized Individuals Or Parties?3040 Words   |  13 PagesThe Data security is usually referred to as the confidentiality, accessibility, and truthfulness of data. Which means, all the practices and procedures that are in place to guarantee the information is not used or accessed by unauthorized individuals or parties. The Data security ensures that the information is correct and reliable and is obtainable when those with authorized access need it. There are many policies which cover the data security, but the three that I will mention are, Ensuring DataRead MoreThe Home Depot Data Breach3056 Words   |  13 Pagesdata has been put to sale which is risking the confidential data of customers in, where the Target’s Costumer da ta was put on to sale. The Home Depot has been working with the Secret Services and banks and also along with the Computer Security Corporation to detect and avoid the vulnerability of their system. Reportedly the attacks might have occurred during the spring selling. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

How Did 9/11 Bring People Together Free Essays

How did the 9/11 bring people together? Or Did the 9/11 bring people together? The 9/11 was a very significant event and brought many people together in many different ways. In circumstances of extreme stress we hear moving accounts of people going out of their way to help each other. Studies show that acute stress can lead to greater cooperative, social and friendly behaviour, even in men. We will write a custom essay sample on How Did 9/11 Bring People Together or any similar topic only for you Order Now This more positive reaction can help the human connections that occurred during the time of crisis associated with the 9/11. Social connections are particularly important under stress because stress naturally leads so a sense of vulnerability and loss of control, this is an example of why the people of not only America, but the world came together through this tormenting time to support one another. The September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks launched upon the United States in New York and Washington D. C area by an Islamic terrorist group, al-Qaeda. On the morning of September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four passenger jets. American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the North and South towers of the World Trade Centre as suicide attacks. Both towers collapsed and debris led to the partial collapse of all other buildings in the New York World Trade Centre. The third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, was crashed into the Pentagon, which was the headquarters of the United States Department of Defence. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was targeted at the United States Capitol in Washington, D. C. , but crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania after its passengers fought back against the al-Qaeda terrorists. Almost 3000 people died in the 9/11 attacks. An example of the 9/11 bringing people together is the cooperation of different religious groups. Churches that typically held services only on Sundays opened their doors on the Tuesday of the attacks and held them open for some following days and for a short time attendance in churches and other houses of worship skyrocketed. Members of religious groups met together and tried to understand each other’s beliefs to help one another. A decade later, a group of religious leaders representing the Christian, Islamic and Jewish faiths met to plan a special interfaith service for the 10th anniversary of the 9/11. The service included prayers, music, Scripture and short messages from participants. The organisers went to great lengths to celebrate religious diversity and to make sure readings and prayers are as universal as possible. Deidre Gordon, a member of the Islamic centre reinforced the idea of the 9/11 bringing people together. â€Å"It’s a chance to recognize beneath all this diversity, we have a lot we share. † We hear often hear moving stories of strangers coming together to help save each other from the burning buildings, one of which I came across was this; â€Å"Today, after a 72 hour shift at the fire station, a woman ran up to me at the grocery store and gave me a hug. When I tensed up, she realized I didn’t recognise her. She let go with tears of joy in her eyes and said, â€Å"On 9-11-2001, you carried me out of the World Trade Centre. † As you can see the 9/11 did bring people together, 12 years ago, President George W. Bush proclaimed, â€Å"America is united. † The production of American flags surged and the flags soared, and America really was united. America mourned together, raged together and resolved together. They reached out to others in a way most didn’t do previously. How to cite How Did 9/11 Bring People Together, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

an eye for an eye Essay Example For Students

an eye for an eye Essay An Eye For An EyeBoth detectives held a gun, but neither of them could shoot at Richards. The gunman was hiding closely behind his hostage and exposing little of his body to them. Smith knew he couldnt risk a shot. There were too many people in the tavern, and most of them were behind Richards. He might hit one of them if he missed the gunman. And he probably would miss. The target being offered to him was much too small. Smith glanced at his partner, Mary Scott. She was a very good shot. She was capable of hitting a small target at this range. She was the departments pistol champion, and she could consistently hit a quarter at thirty feet with the gun she carried. But she was in an awkward position at the moment. There were several people between her and Richards. She needed time to get around them. But she was slowly weaving her way through the crowd and moving closer to the ex-con who was holding a gun to the old mans head. If she could get into a better position, and if Richards gave her even the smallest target, she would put him down. Smith realized that he had to buy her some time. He had to keep Richards occupied until she was in the clear. He spoke soothingly to the gunman. Richards, youve killed one man already tonight. Dont make it worse by doing it again. That wiseguy had it coming, Richards responded. If he hadnt made me mad, I wouldnt have killed him. Maybe we can make a deal, Smith said. If you surrender now, Ill tell the judge that you said you did it only because you were angry. No, Richards shouted. No deals. If I have any business with you, itll be to blow you away. Smith glanced at his partner again. She needed only a few more seconds. Richards, we dont want to shoot you, we only want to help you. Tell me how we can do that. Just let me take a shot at you. If youll let me do that without shooting back, Ill be satisfied. When Mary Scott reached the pool table, she looked at Richards. She was now within ten feet of him, and no one stood betwee n them except the hostage. She assessed her chances of hitting Richards at that range. It would be easy if only a little more of his head was showing. But he wasnt exposing his head to her, and thats where she had to place the shot. If she hit him anywhere else, he might pull the trigger before he died. If he did that, the old man would also die. There was a terrible stillness as Richards shifted his eyes between Mike Smith and Mary Scott. He did it slowly. He sensed that if he moved too quickly, or did the wrong thing, one of these cops would risk taking a shot at him. He started to back toward the door, dragging his hostage with him. Smith looked at Richards over the sights of his gun and said, Dont do it, Richards. Its a fools move. If youll just drop the gun, no one will be hurt. I promise you that. Richards grinned. Drop dead. The old man was terrified. He didnt say a word as the ex-con pulled him toward the door, but his eyes begged the two cops to do something anything to s ave him. As Richards inched toward the door, Smith and Scott followed. The gunman looked at Mary and swore. Ill kill this guy if either of you come any closer, he said. Mary responded. Dont do that, Richards. If you kill him, well drop you on the spot. Richards laughed strangely. All I want to do is get outta here. If you dont let me do that, Ill kill all of you. Mary looked at the crowd. Everyone was nervous. A few of them were close to panic. One woman was anxiously looking toward the door, and Mary thought she might run toward it at any moment. Mary didnt want her to do that. 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Alfred Prufrock Essay Thesis